
中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科 助教公募

中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科助教(環境学分野)公募/ Open Recruitment for Assistant Professor of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University





担当科目については、「都市と環境」、「エコロジカル・プランニング」、「応用植生学」、「Applied Sustainability Science」、「人間総合理工学演習」等の現開設科目を基本とします。



さらに、 学科の国際化への積極的な貢献を期待しています。そのため、海外における研究活動や国際共同研究の実績が候補の選定において評価されます。

〒112-8551 東京都文京区春日1-13-27 中央大学 後楽園キャンパス




・博士の学位 (外国において授与されたこれに相当する学位を含む) を有すること

・勤務日: 学年暦による
・勤務時間:授業担当責任時間は、 授業時間一時限 100分を基準とし、当責任時間等は
・休日、休暇: 学年暦および中央大学専任教員規程による.

・本俸: 本学の規程による
・諸手当: 本学の規程による
・定期昇給: なし
・賞与: あり
・労災: 加入する

(1) 履歴書(写真貼付、大学卒業後の学歴・職歴、受賞歴、所属学会を記載;連絡できる
(2) 研究業績リスト (有査読学術論文、著書、無査読学術論文、有査読学会紀要、招待講演、研究報告書、学会発表、その他)
(3) 主要論文別刷り (3編以内、コピーも可)
(4) これまでの研究概要 (A4判1-2枚)
(5) 着任後の研究、教育への抱負 (A4判1-2枚)
(6) 応募者に関して所見を伺える方2名の氏名・連絡先 (電話番 号 電子メール含む)

〒112-8551 東京都文京区春日1-13-27
中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科 主任 檀 一平太
封筒に 「人間総合理工学科教授・准教授応募書類」と朱書し、簡易書留郵送をお願いします(レターパック可)。応募書類提出方法は印刷版に加え、電子データ(pdf)をCD-ROMディスク、あるいはUSBメモリに入れて、送付して下さい。


応募書類郵送と同時に、氏名、所属、電話番号、E-mail address、連絡先住所の情報を下記連絡先E-mailに件名「人間総合理工学科教員応募(氏名)分野名」で送信してください。


〒112-8551 東京都 中央大学 理工学部 人間総合理工学科主任 檀一平太
電話:03-3817-7272 E-mail:dan@brain-lab.jp



Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Chuo University

[About the institution]
The Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Chuo University was established in 2013. It addresses human-environment relationships from multiple angles including public health and sports science, cognitive brain science, water and energy as well as urban ecology, conservation ecology, environmental science and landscape ecology.

[Job details]
The successful applicant will work in the section with a focus on ecological aspects, studying landscapes from a social-ecological systems perspective. In addition to knowledge of field research methods for animals, plants and environmental factors, the ability to analyze human -environment interactions is a required.

Active participation in teaching at the department is expected, focusing on field skills, experimental design, data management and data analysis using project-based learning. Courses and lectures are conducted both in Japanese and English.

The duties include:
1) Education in relation to environmental science, in particular applied landscape ecology. This includes lectures, practical and project-based courses as well as support of thesis research for undergraduate and graduate students.
2) Research on socio-ecological systems using inter-and transdisciplinary approaches, focusing on biodiversity, ecosystem services and environmental planning.
3) Support of the management of the department.

We put emphasis on global education and international research collaboration, and the ability to play an active role in performing inter-disciplinary collaboration and education in an international context will be a key criterion in the selection process. Accordingly, applicants with experience in international collaborative research projects are highly appreciated.

The courses in which the successful applicant will be involved include ‘Cities and the Environment’, ‘Ecological Planning’, ‘Applied Vegetation Science’, ‘Applied Sustainability Science’ and an integrated module taught jointly by all academic staff at the Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Societies. However, it should be noted that the academic curriculum is subject to revision, and there may be changes to specific subjects. Active contributions to the development of bilingual (Japanese/English) courses are expected.

[Address of work location and other information]
Korakuen campus of Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551

[Available positions]
One Slot for Assistant Professor

[Job type]
Job performance will be evaluated at the end of the first and third year of employment. Maximum duration of employment is five years.

[Starting date]
April 1, 2022

Applicants should meet the following criteria:
(1) Doctoral degree in a relevant field
(2) Track record in teaching subjects related to environmental science at university level (desired)
(3) Scientific publications on topics related environmental science
(4) Ability to teach and communicate topics related to environmental science in Japanese and English

【Working days, hours, holidays, and vacations】
・Working days are assigned according to the university calendar.
・Working hours for university classes (100 minutes long) are assigned according to the university rule.
・Other than teaching duties, some academic affairs should be assigned based on an agreement basis.
・Research activity is expected and may be performed on a discretionary labor system.
・Holidays and vacations are assigned according to university calendar.
・Classes are held on some national holidays.
・Salaries are provided according to the university rule.
・Various allowances are provided according to the university rule.
・Salary is fixed throughout the term.
・Bonuses (twice a year) are provided according to the university rule.
【Social insurance】
・Employee’s pension plan and health insurance are partially covered by the university
・Employment insurance is partially covered by the university.
・Workman’s compensation plan is partially covered by the university.

[Application method]
Please send us the following documents.
(1) Curriculum Vitae including an ID photo, academic and vocational histories, awards, affiliated academic societies, and contact e-mail address.
(2) List of academic achievement (peer-reviewed papers, books, non-peer-reviewed papers, peer-reviewed conference proceedings, invited talks, project reports, conference presentation etc.).
(3) Three selected reprints of peer-reviewed papers (photocopies are acceptable.)
(4) Description of research history (1-2 pages).
(5) Description of future research and education plan (1-2pages).
(6) Contact information for two reference persons (including phone number and email address).

[Selection process]
After screening over application forms, selected candidates will be interviewed directly at the Korakuen campus, or via WebEx. Note that only the selected candidates are contacted. Travel cost will not be provided. The interview session is performed both in Japanese and English.
[Contact details]
Application documents should be sent to the following address in a registered mail. Please indicate on the envelop with red letters, “Application form enclosed”. Also, indicate. the field name.
Please enclose electric files of all the application documents in a CD-ROM or USB flash memory.
In addition, please send all the application documents together with name, affiliation, telephone number, E-mail address, and contact address to the following person.

Ippeita Dan, Professor at Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551
E-mail: dan@brain-lab.jp

[Additional information]
・Chuo University is in support of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.
・We cannot answer to any questions and inquiry regarding the results of selection
until the final announcement.